What The Bay Area Should Know About Drywood Termite Swarmers

Drywood Termite crawling on frass.

While it may be a relief to not see any pests around your Bay Area home or business, it’s not a promise. You need to always be on the lookout for pests because they are very sneaky. It’s extremely common for them to quietly enter human dwellings. In a lot of instances, a takeover isn’t obvious until major harm is done. This could be in the form of a ruined property or compromised health. Termites are known for being a silent threat.

Termites are a part of a wide category of wood-eating insects. Within their class are several subspecies. The drywood group is dominant in the region. It’s hard to catch these bugs in action because they reside in foundations. Preventing and rebounding from them costs Americans $5 billion every year. Insurance companies won’t help. Swarmers are an immediate hint of trouble. Learn more about this and how Bay Pest can intercede.

What Are Drywood Termite Swarmers? What Are The Dangers?

There’s never a season where termites aren’t busy; at least one subspecies will be active. Drywood termite swarmers have the main duty of procreating and building nests when old ones are at capacity. They are about 0.47 of an inch long and have two pairs of wings. On the front set will be veiny pigmented patterns. Upon completing their mission, they’ll discard them. If you see them close to your place near lamps and windows, there is an issue for sure. Workers that shred wood is white or grayish-white and a bit smaller. Soldiers guard their clans with their bulky mandibles. Their pronotum is longer than their whole head. Given that workers and soldiers remain in targeted wood, swarmer sightings are a big infestation clue. Notable additional signs are as follows:

  • Finding the scaly wings of swarmers
  • Discovering mounds of fecal frass by the holes, maze patterns, and mud tubes of termites
  • Walls that sound hollow
  • Hearing soft noises from behind foundations
  • Seeing that paint is peeling and puffing up
  • Noticing that drywall is baggy and off-color
  • Tiles disengaging from posts
  • Floorboards creaking and giving way
  • Stiff or tight-fitting window frames and doors

Our environment benefits from termites, as strange as that may sound. Soil receives rejuvenating nutrients when these insects take decomposing wood apart. The development of trees and plants goes more smoothly as a result. Home and business owners who fall prey to these insects in the meantime won’t be comforted by this. They might have to consider a relocation. Being confronted with monetary struggles or medical complications are possible too. Injuries can occur with the collapse of bases and walls, and allergic reactions are associated with termites. Research hasn’t shown a link between disease and these awful pests though.

How Can You Prevent Drywood Termites And Swarmers?

To discourage termites, you’ll have to make your land less appealing to them by: 

  • Refurbishing or removing rotting or damaged wood.
  • Repairing moisture malfunctions and leaks as soon as possible; especially if it’s wetting the wood.
  • Patching up gaps in utility lines, caulk, and foundations.
  • Attaching screens on all exterior vents.
  • Cleaning out your vents and gutters regularly.
  • Never letting loose wood, such as carpentry boards, touch soil.    
  • Distancing wood and plants from the property by two feet.
  • Mowing the lawn and trimming the greenery on a routine basis.

What Can Bay Pest Do About Drywood Termites And Swarmers? 

“Do it yourself” tactics or commercial products for termites are limited ineffectiveness. To boot, some are steep in price or toxic. Another point is that not all species respond to the same treatment. Our experienced technicians at Bay Pest will fumigate your space over three days for drywood bugs. Warranties are available. Call and request a free estimate today and begin your effective termite control.

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