Six Simple Ways To Keep Hornets & Wasps Away From Your Bay Area Yard

Paper Wasps on their nest.

If you live in the Bay Area, you probably have some unwanted visitors on your property. And no, we're not talking about your in-laws. Wasps and hornets often make their way near Bay Area homes and businesses. Their stingers deliver a potent venom that causes pain for some and serious health complications for those with allergies. To keep these harmful invaders away, follow these six tips. 

1. Keep Food Away

Wasps and hornets seek out a variety of food, all of which are on your property. For instance, they often feed on sweets. Ripe berries and honeydew made by aphids could be food for these Bay Area pests. By removing berries before they ripen, you can make your property less appealing to wasps and hornets. 

That said, wasps and hornets also like protein. They seek out spiders, insects, and even dog food. Using pest prevention to keep other pests away and storing your dog food with care, you can keep away stinging insects.

2. Use Wasp-Repelling Plants

While most flowering plants attract wasps and hornets in the Bay Area, some plants repel them. Rather than plant flowers in your garden, use wormwood, basil, and marigolds. Wasps and hornets also dislike mint, geranium, and pennyroyal. 

This alone won't be enough to keep wasps away. But it's a start, and when combined with other prevention methods, using wasp-repelling plants could help. 

3. Seal Garbage Cans

All sorts of pests enjoy raiding your garbage cans, and that includes wasps and hornets. While you might not want day-old meat, a wasp has no problem eating it. They also could be attracted to the other insects that make their way into your garbage cans.

If you want to make your property less appealing, use garbage cans with lids. Ensure the lids are on your cans are always on tight, or they won't do you any good. When you bring your trash outside, tie the top of the bag.

If you have compost piles, you should consider sealing those as well. Piles of compost can be just as attractive to wasps as open garbage cans. Limit wasps by storing your compost in containers or under tarps.

4. Reduce Nesting Locations 

Wasps and hornets need suitable places to build nests. Typically, they nest in eaves, wall cavities, and thick vegetation. To reduce potential nesting spots, maintain your yard. Clean up vegetation as it grows, and don't let junk accumulate in your yard. 

If you have any openings in your walls or under your roof, seal them up. You might need to rely on a professional for this tip, as some openings are difficult to close without the right tools. This can also prevent wasps and hornets from getting into your home. 

5. Don't Leave Food And Drinks Out

When you leave food and drinks out on your counters, you make your property appealing to wasps and hornets. Sweet drinks and food attract these stinging insects, even if they're only left out for a short time. Throw away all of your food and drinks as soon as you finish them.

6. Inspect For Nests

As often as possible, check your home for nests. Look under the eaves, in your soffit, and shrubs. If you find a nest, don't attempt to remove it on your own. Nest removal requires an experienced professional. You could be stung while trying to remove the nest.

On your own, you may not be able to do much about wasps and hornets. But with our help, you can protect your property. Contact the Bay Pest Solution professionals for more advice or assistance with your wasp and hornet troubles.

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