What To Do If You Spot A Surplus Of Bees On Your Bay Area Property

Bee on a daisy.

Bees are an important part of our planet's ecosystem. Over the last several years, bees have become endangered, making it necessary to protect them at all costs. Having said that, bees are a dangerous pest to have on your property due to their ability to sting. Read on to learn more about bees and what you can do to safely keep them away from your yard.

What Attracts Bees To Your Property?

A number of things may attract bees to properties. They are mostly attracted to any sweet juices or syrups, as they closely resemble the sweet nectar from flowers. Standing water sources, like puddles and birdbaths, also attract bees. If you've had a beehive removed from your property in the past, the presence of any leftover honey may draw bees, so be sure to clean the area thoroughly. Because bees need protection instead of eradication whenever possible, here are several ways to keep bees away from your yard:

  • Avoid planting flowers that attract bees, such as honeysuckles, poppies, and clover.
  • Plant flowers that deter bees instead, like marigolds and peppermint.
  • Keep outdoor garbage in covered cans with tight lids.
  • Wash out all juice containers and soda cans before throwing them away.
  • Seal wooden decking to prevent carpenter bees from building their habitats.
  • Clean and cover your grill after using it.

For safe removal of these insects, contact a trusted provider of bee pest control near you, like Bay Pest Solution.

Protecting The Bees In The Bay Area

While bees are an essential part of our ecosystem, these pests can deliver painful stings that may result in severe allergic reactions. Fortunately, if you're wondering how to control bees in your yard, there are several humane methods. Try these tips if you have a bee problem on your property:

  • You can light citronella candles in outdoor spaces to deter bees. If you have bees inside your home, a citronella scent may force them to move back outside.
  • Generate smoke by lighting a small fire underneath their hive. The smoke causes the bees to evacuate their habitat and go elsewhere.
  • Create a garlic spray made of a few garlic cloves and a spray bottle filled with water. Bees hate the strong smell of garlic. 

For more severe infestations, it's best to contact a pest control professional with experience in humane bee control techniques. Trying to get rid of bees yourself may result in getting stung, as agitated bees will become aggressive.

Treating A Bee Sting

While bee stings are extremely painful, most people recover quickly and without any major side effects. The first thing to do when stung by a bee is to try to remain as calm as possible. Some bees will sting more than once, but if you are calm, they are more likely to back away. After the sting, remove the stinger by scraping it with your finger or plucking it out with a piece of gauze. Avoid the use of tweezers, as this may force more venom from the bee sting into your system.

Once you remove the stinger, wash the affected area with mild soap and water. If you are experiencing swelling, apply a cold compress or ice pack to the area for relief. An over-the-counter ibuprofen or acetaminophen should provide sufficient relief for the pain. If you experience any symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, or hives, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

Gentle Pest Control For Bee Removal In The Bay Area

Bay Pest Solution is a premier source of pest control in the Bay Area, and we're experts in the humane removal of bees from properties. We have over 40 years of extermination experience, using only the latest in pest control technology. Don't let bees scare you and your family away from enjoying your property this summer. Call us today to learn more about our effective pest control solutions.

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