Here’s Why You Should Call The Professionals About Rodents In Your Bay Area Home

House mouse eating grain.

Whether you’ve had a rodent infestation before or have simply heard the horror stories, you most likely know by now how dangerous and pervasive a mice or rat problem can be. These disease-ridden vermin pose far greater risks to your health and property than their small, furry faces let on. Learning what you can do to spot the signs of a rodent infestation will allow you to act quickly to eliminate it.

Do You Have Mice Or Rats?

Property is almost never infested with both rats and mice. That’s because these rodents are extremely territorial and don’t want to have to compete with other foragers for food. As such, knowing how to spot the differences between mice and rats will help you apply the right solutions to the problem.


  • Size: Rats frequently grow to several inches in length, and very large ones can surpass even a foot in total length.
  • Shape: Rats have longer, more slender faces than mice, and their larger size means they have rounder haunches.
  • Ears: Rats have a pair of pinched, pink ears tucked on the backs of their heads.


  • Size: Mice are typically much smaller than rats, maxing out at a few inches in length. Their long tails trail behind them, however, and can add a few inches their total length.
  • Shape: Mice have shorter snouts than rats, with more triangular faces. Their bodies are more compact, too, giving them a ball-like appearance when not moving.
  • Ears: Mice have large, perfectly round ears that rest right atop their heads. This is the surest way to tell a mouse from a rat.

The Dangers of Rodents In Your Home

Aside from being creepy and disturbing, rodents can pose the following issues for your home: 

  • Disease: Rodents can carry many dangerous diseases, including plague, hantavirus, and salmonella. Even if mice or rats themselves aren’t infected, they can carry ticks and fleas that spread harmful pathogens.
  • Contamination: Aside from the serious illnesses they can spread, these pests can contaminate food sources and the areas where we eat and prepare meals. First, they root around in dirty areas for food, then they track these germs over everything they touch.
  • Damage: Rodents all share an annoying trait: they must constantly chew on things to keep their ever-growing front teeth filed down. That means bite marks—everywhere—including on carpeting, wooden items, and even electrical cables.

Why Are Rodents So Hard To Get Rid Of?

Far too many homeowners try to remove rodent infestations on their own. While this can sometimes appear to save money in the short-term, rodents aren’t a problem you’ll likely be able to solve on your own. That’s because they reproduce incredibly quickly, and killing a few of the rats or mice you see wandering around won’t do anything to address the young being raised inside your walls. Rather than go it alone, it’s best to enlist the help of professionals.

Bay Pest Is The Best

With the many dangers they pose to your health and property, rodents aren’t pests you want to take any chances with. If you spot the signs of an infestation or if you simply suspect one, you should contact your local pest experts right away. Our trained staff will perform a thorough inspection of your property, determining if a pest population has moved in or easily could. Then, we’ll work with you to apply effective rodent control solutions and prevention measures that will drive rodents out and keep them out. Don’t risk your Bay Area home becoming a breeding ground for disease-spreading rodents, contact Bay Pest for total protection today.

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