Do Or Don't: Should You Attempt DIY Termite Control In The Bay Area

termite infestation

Seeing insects or creatures out in the open around your property is a definite clue that there's an issue. However, indicators can be far more subtle than that. This is particularly true when wood-destroying critters, like termites, are involved. Many species are soil-based or hide within walls. It could be a long time before evidence of termite damage is perceivable. Having pest control in the Bay Area is how you can successfully monitor these bugs. 

Fighting termites and rebounding from their disasters is costly. Americans pay a sum of $5 billion yearly. Financial aid from insurance companies is hard to come by because standard programs don't have appropriate coverage. Learn the signs of termites inside your house, and find out if DIY "Do it yourself" avenues are helpful. Bay Pest can assist you, especially with the prevalent drywood subtype.

What Do Drywood Termites Look Like?

As with other termite groups, the colonies of the drywood species are split up into three parts. The white or grayish-white workers that are ¼ of an inch long enthusiastically disintegrate wood. They're less likely to get interrupted by yellow-brown soldiers nearby. Large mandibles on their rectangular heads help them attack other aggressive pests. Swarmers, which are winged, are either brown, black, or yellow. In regard to size, they are ½ of an inch long. Their mating and nest building often occur while current cocoons are packed. Lights are soothing to them, so you can expect to spot them by windows and fixtures. 

If you notice these signs of termites inside your house, don't delay in taking action:

  • Seeing swarmers or discovering their discarded wings
  • Finding swells of fecal frass in proximity to the holes, maze patterns, and mud tubes of termites
  • Hollow sounding walls  
  • Hearing clicking and rustling from inside foundations
  • Paint that is puffing up and peeling
  • Slacking and faded drywall
  • Undone tiles and caving floorboards
  • Snug window frames and doors

It's difficult to calculate when evidence of termite damage will be apparent. Your property's location and how it was constructed are one of many factors to consider. Having repeat inspections by Bay Pest will increase the chances of early active termite detection. In addition to wood, drywood bugs go after plants and books.

Simple Termite Control Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Follow these tips to prevent termites:

  • Remove or repair wood that is wrecked or decaying.
  • Repair leaks and moisture breakdowns immediately. Start with areas where wood is getting wet. 
  • Close up openings in utility lines, caulk, and foundations.
  • Attach screens to each exterior door.
  • Clear your vents and gutters regularly.
  • Make sure plants and wood are two feet or more from the property.
  • Don't allow loose wood, like lumber panels, to be on the ground.
  • Routinely cut the grass and trim greenery. 

Bay Pest can provide you with further deterrence and solution information. Expert insight is a must when dealing with termites. 

Are DIY Termite Control Options Worth The Hassle?

Commercial termite treatments and "do it yourself" methods are usually high in price and toxicity. If that weren't bad enough, you wouldn't be able to access nests with these items. Remember, these destructive bugs travel far into walls. Therefore, independent options aren't worth it. 

Professional Termite Control: What Are The Benefits

If you want to get rid of termites in the Bay Area, you'll need intricate, wide-reaching, safe solutions. Look to us at Bay Pest; our top-level fumigation operations come with a three-year renewable warranty. You'll experience the benefits of a long-lasting and thorough remedy and specialty services. Call us today for a free estimate!

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