Common Myths About Termites in San Jose You May Still Believe

termite crawling on chewed wood

As easy as it would be to dismiss termite activity in your San Jose home, one should never doubt the power of these dangerous, wood-loving insects. In fact, termites are some of the most destructive pests in the entire world. These pests cost more than five billion dollars a year in damages, and that number is only expected to rise over time. Due to their mysterious nature and global infamy, there are many unfounded rumors that have been spread about these small insects. While not all termite myths are dangerous, it can be difficult to correctly treat a termite infestation when so many preconceived notions have been formed.

In order to combat rampant misinformation, Bay Pest is proud to provide a list of San Jose termite myths that should no longer be believed.

Myth: Termites serve no purpose; they simply exist to destroy.

As much as we would love to pretend that termites are evil or purposeless villains, these insects are simply doing what has been their job for thousands of termite generations.

These creatures are some of the best "recyclers" in the world, and work hard to remove decomposition, edify the soil, reduce erosion, and aerate fertile crop ground. Without their tireless labor, the natural world would be very different indeed.

Myth: Termites are part of the ant family.

Termites and ants appear very similar on the surface, but that fact alone does not make them a part of the same biological family. In fact, termites are considered to be a part of the cockroach family, or Blattodea.

There are many similarities between termites and ants that cannot be ignored. For example, the tendency to live in colonies, raise larvae young, and nourish Queens are important aspects to both insects' lives.

Myth: If I have a lot of mulch or decaying wood nearby, termites will leave my home alone.

While termites may choose to focus on more accessible wood first, a pile of decaying wood near your home will likely lead these pests straight inside.

Myth: Termite infestations are easy to detect.

There are some signs and symptoms of a termite infestation that are easy to spot, such as the formation of mud tunnels or soft clicking sounds emanating from the walls. However, most termite infestations go undiscovered until it is too late.

Myth: Termites can eat through concrete.

Here’s a spot of good news for you: no, termites cannot eat concrete. Their digestive systems simply could not handle the heavy, stony material, even if they wanted to.

Termites are well known for eating through a variety of other substances, however. Several of these include drywall, plastic, foam, and even thin metal sheets (such as lead or copper). Termites stop at nothing to get to a food source, as you may soon see.

Myth: If a house has been treated for termites once, you never have to worry about termites again.

Termites are not like viruses in the sense that affected homes produce "antibodies" against recurring infestations. In fact, the affected home's risks for re-infestation will be higher than average.

It is important to procure long-term and professional termite protection from a local company such as Bay Pest in order to keep termites out for good.

Myth: You can get rid of termites on your own.

Termites cause serious household infestations, and cannot be mitigated with DIY treatments, over-the-counter baits, or other various controls. Instead, it's important to contact the professionals at Bay Pest Solution at the first sign of termite activity.

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