Are Wolf Spiders In San Jose Dangerous?

Wolf Spider crawling on wood.

One of the downsides of San Jose's warm and favorable weather is the year-round pests that come along with it. One of the pests that love to call San Jose home is the furry and frightening wolf spider. These long-legged critters love to make their way inside San Jose homes and yards to prey on unsuspecting insects.

Thankfully, wolf spiders would much rather ambush small insects than chew on a human leg, but that doesn't mean you want them crawling around your home. A wolf spider infestation that's left unchecked can cause you, your family, and your guests some serious anxiety.

We've put together this handy guide to help you recognize wolf spiders, reduce their presence in your home, and discover if the big bad wolf spider is truly as dangerous as it looks.

What Wolf Spiders Look Like

Wolf spiders in the San Jose area are typically dark brown and hairy with a few pale stripes on their bodies. Their bodies can be anywhere from 1/4 of an inch to 2 inches in length. They utilize their long legs to help them move quickly and ambush their prey. These long legs are important because wolf spiders don't actually spin webs to capture their prey; they rely on speed and their superior eyesight for all their meals.

Where You'll Find Wolf Spiders

When outdoors, wolf spiders prefer to hang out in tall shrubs, dense grass, underneath rocks, and in woodpiles. When wolf spiders enter your home, they like to hang out around doors, windows, in houseplants, and in garages. These critters are one of the few species of spiders that would prefer to stay as close to the ground as possible. Some species of wolf spiders will even burrow underground to avoid predators.

Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous?

Fortunately, wolf spiders aren't nearly as dangerous as some would believe. They are indeed poisonous, but their poison has a very mild effect on people. These hairy pests will typically flee at the sight of humans, but if they're trapped or feel threatened, they will bite out of self-defense. Their bite is fairly harmless and may result in minor itching or swelling.

How To Keep Wolf Spiders Out Of Your San Jose Home

Wolf spiders make their way into homes through small cracks and openings in the exterior. Here are a few ways to prevent them from entering, and a few things you can do to make them feel unwelcome if they do get inside:

  • Block possible entry points: Use weatherstripping, caulk, or any other available options to seal up small openings in the exterior of your home.
  • Keep your grass and bushes cut: Wolf spiders love to hide in tall grass and shrubs. If possible, keep your grass and bushes trimmed to make your yard less spider-friendly.
  • Disrupt them: Wolf spiders love a nice quiet resting place. By vacuuming, sweeping, or dusting secluded areas, you'll make sure they don't get too comfortable.
  • Eliminate possible hiding places: By covering old boxes and getting rid of clutter, you'll reduce the number of potential hiding spots for these creatures to call home.

How Bay Pest Can Help

While wolf spiders may not be as dangerous as they appear, they multiply quickly, so it is important to eliminate them as quickly as possible. Bay Pest has years of experience finding and eradicating wolf spider nests in the safest and most efficient manner possible. Not only will we eliminate existing wolf spider issues, but we'll also locate trouble spots and prevent future infestations.

Request your free estimate today or contact us at (408) 413-0336 with any pest-related questions. We are here to help!

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